Why Mobile Capability is Important

Looking for significant efficiency gains in operations? Implement a field system with full mobile capability for your techs in the field. There is no need to call the office to determine what is next on their job list with these systems. All scheduled work orders are immediately visible when entered. If your field tech is collaborating on a project with a third party, they can send and receive updates in real-time to maximize productivity. In addition, all the information a tech needs to complete a work order is at their fingertips, including tasks, checklists, or even creating purchase orders.

From the reverse view, the office receives immediate updates on the tech’s status as they move from job to job. They also see materials used on the job, time spent on site, and work acknowledgments signed by the customer when a job is completed. When a tech has a cancelation during the day, schedulers will see it as soon as the tech enters the information. The slot can be filled with a preventative maintenance call or an urgent job that came in during the same day.

With mobile capability techs spend less time writing information down and then someone entering it into systems later. There are fewer errors in interpreting written notes by all involved. If there is an error or conflicting information, no more chasing a paper trail to resolve. Electronic data is easy to search on and automatically associated with a customer or location. All of this makes the tech’s and back-office staff’s jobs a lot easier. It also results in a productivity boost in accounting. Enhanced mobile capability streamlines processes in both the office and the field. It greatly reduces the time spent waiting for a phone call or an email with the information needed to stay productive. It increases data accuracy, and customers love it. Most importantly, field techs are self-contained and can stay focused on their work.

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